CIRED - Paris (França)
CIRED is seeking to appoint a research associate to undertake research on the energy-climate-
economic interface as a member of its integrated as sessment modeling team, and to assist in
coordinating the tasks of an EU-funded FP7 project, titled "ADVANCE".
ADVANCE involves 14 partners, leading modeling team s in Europe, as well as associated
international teams from US and Japan. You will contribute to the tasks of documenting, developing
and applying CIRED’s integrated assessment model (IAM), Imaclim-R, within the framework of
ADVANCE project. You will also coordinate the task on the development of network infrastructures
representations in IAMs, which involves several teams of the project consortium; and with this respect
contribute to improve the representation of transportation infrastructures in Imaclim-R model.
Integrated assessment and energy-economy models have become central
tools for informing long-term global and regional climate mitigation
strategies. There is a large demand for improved representations of
complex system interactions and thorough validation of model behaviour
in order to increase user confidence in climate policy assessments.
ADVANCE aims to respond to this demand by facilitating the development
of a new generation of integrated assessment models. This will be
achieved by substantial progress in key areas where model improvements
are greatly needed: end use and energy service demand; representation of
heterogeneity, behaviour, innovation and consumer choices; technical
change and uncertainty; system integration, path dependencies and
resource constraints; and economic impacts of mitigation policies.
ADVANCE will also put a focus on improved model transparency, model
validation, and data handling.
The improved models will be applied to anassessment of long-term EU climate policy in a glob
al context, and disseminated to the wider community.
As a core member of the integrated assessment model ing team in Cired, this position presents an
opportunity to develop and apply an innovative energy-climate-economic model, Imaclim-R.
Beyond the ADVANCE project requirements, the research associate will be encouraged to develop a
research agenda on the energy – economics – climate interface in the framework of the overall Cired
research program.
Researchers in Cired work in an interdisciplinary environment, publish extensively, interact with
colleagues around the world, and provide expertise to public institutions, private companies and
international organizations. Cired is located in Jardin Tropical, Nogent-sur-Marne, 20 minutes from
the center of Paris by train.
The post is funded for 24 months.
Cired is seeking a quantitative, analytical person with a keen and established interest in multi-
disciplinary and policy-relevant research. The successful applicant will have a proven aptitude for
modeling. Knowledge on network infrastructures or transportation systems is a plus. Prior knowledge
of energy or climate-related issues is a plus as well. Candidates with previous experience in large sc
aleprojects involving various partners are especially encouraged to apply. A doctoral degree in
economics, engineering, operations research or related field is required.
Review of applications will start after October 15 2013 and continue until the position is filled. The
appointment will start as soon as the successful candidate is available.
Applications containing a detailed CV including publications and research grants, a letter of
motivation and contact information of two references should be sent electronically to
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