Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação
of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (ISEGI-NOVA) opens a call for one
(1) Scientific Research grant for BSc holders, funded by FCT - Fundação
para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I. P. under the research project “GSIMCLI -
Geostatistical simulation with local distributions for the
homogenization and interpolation of climate data”
2. Research fields (in preferred order):
a. Exact Sciences and Engineering – Computer Engineering and Computer Science;
b. Natural Sciences and the Environment – Geosciences.
3. Job/Fellowship description: The
selected grant holder will be responsible for the design, development
and implementation of a software application designed for the
homogenization of climatic datasets, named GSIMCLI, which will be based
on the geostatistical algorithm that is the subject of the research
project (Direct Sequential Simulation with local distributions). The
application will use C/C++ programming language for the algorithm
implementation and Python for the graphical user interface.
selected grant holder will work on the software requirements and develop
its basic modules: (1) Data management; (2) Space-time variography; and
(3) Direct Sequential Simulation algorithm. In a later stage, the new
algorithm (Direct Sequential Simulation with local distributions) will
be implemented in fourth module. The selected grant holder will be also
responsible for preparing the GSIMCLI software Users' Manual.
These activities correspond to the Project Task named “Development of homogenization software”.
All activities will be coordinated by Prof. Roberto Henriques (ISEGI-NOVA).
4. Profile and requirements:
Graduation (BSc., Licenciatura) in fields connected to Programming and
Development of Computer Applications; Computer Engineering and Computer
Science, Information Systems and Technologies, Geological Engineering,
Environmental Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, Applied Mathematics
and Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Geographic Engineering.
b. Training and/or experience in the following areas:
i. Programming languages, such as:
1. C/C++
2. Python
3. C#
4. R.
ii. Competencies in Data Bases;
iii. Preference factor: Competencies in geostatistical techniques.
5. Job/Fellowship Institute:
The work will be developed at the Instituto Superior de Estatística e
Gestão da Informação, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (ISEGI-NOVA), in
Lisbon, under the scientific supervision of Prof. Roberto Henriques.
6. Duration of the Grant: The grant will have the duration of twelve (12) months, starting immediately after the conclusion of the selection process.
7. Monthly grant:
€745, according to the table of values ??of the (BI Mestre) grants
awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in Portugal
(, and the
monthly payment is made by bank transfer. To the value of each grant it
is added the corresponding voluntary social insurance (SSV), as well as a
personal accident insurance.
8. Legislation:
A grant contract will be celebrated according to Lei N.º 40/2004, de 18
de agosto (Research Fellow Statute), altered and republished by
Decreto-Lei N.º 202/2012, de 27 de agosto; and the Regulamento N.º
234/2012, de 25 de junho (Regulations for Research Grants of the
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P.), and other applicable
9. Final report: Each grant
holder shall prepare a final report individually, in collaboration with
the supervisor, explaining the methods and the results achieved. The
report shall be submitted in digital and paper formats, and must include
the GSIMCLI software developed for the project and its Users Manual.
The report evaluation will consider the description of the activities
undertaken by the grant holder and the report can be framed in the
preparation of a master thesis if it is in the interest of both parties.
10. Documents to be submitted: The application process must include:
a. Motivation letter;
b. Copy of Identification Document (Passport or Citizenship Card);
c. European format CV (Curriculum vitae Europass);
d. Copy of Diplomas of all studying degrees including a grade transcript of records;
e. One (1) Recommendation Letter;
f. The candidate can also add other elements deemed relevant for consideration of their application.
Candidates who do not submit the elements of application considered mandatory will be excluded.
11. Application process:
a. Applications should be addressed to the Scientific Coordinator of the Project, Prof. Ana Cristina Costa.
Applications may be submitted no later than 16.00 (GMT) on the day that
ends the period of application and must be sent exclusively by e-mail
with acknowledgment of reading receipt.
c. The submission
must be made ??to the email address, being the
subject of the message "Project GSIMCLI - Scientific Research grant
12. Publication date of this grant application: 25 June 2013.
13. Application deadline: 20 working days after publication of this grant application.
and notification of results: Candidates will be notified by email and
the results will be published in the lobby of the Instituto Superior de
Estatística e Gestão da Informação, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa –
Campus de Campolide, 1070-312 Lisboa, until 30 days after the
application deadline.
14. Evaluation criteria: The selection criteria will be:
a. Curriculum evaluation (55%):
i. Grade and relevance of the Bachelor's Degree (Licenciatura) (25%);
ii. Relevance of experience and additional training for the
implementation of the proposed activities (30%).
b. Global formalization of the application, readiness to work and motivation (5%).
c. Interview (40%).
a first selection stage based on criteria a) and b), the top five
candidates will be called for personal interviews and/or video
conferencing for the final selection of the candidates. The jury may not
award the grant if the quality of candidates is less than the desired.
15. Selection Jury:
a. Prof. Ana Cristina Costa (President of the Juri);
b. Prof. Roberto Henriques;
c. Prof. Marco Painho.