Monday, 3 March 2014

1439. Photo Contest: Submit Innovative Uses of Waste Materials

1438. Postdoctoral fellowship - Marine Biogeochemistry

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht - Geesthacht (Alemanha)
Code No. 2014/KO 2

The place of employment is Geesthacht.

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, near Hamburg, and in Teltow, near Berlin, conducts materials and coastal research. You can find more information at

The Institute of Coastal Research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht develops and operates the coastal observing system COSYNA (, one of the densest in-situ measurement systems in the world. One major component of COSYNA is the automated underway FerryBox system mounted on “Ships of Opportunity”. The Institute of Coastal Research has developed new technologies for in-situ measurements of biological and carbon system parameters such as nutrients, phytoplankton, pH and alkalinity that are combined with observations of physical parameters.

We are looking for a qualified and motivated scientist to investigate biogeochemical processes in coastal areas mainly based on COSYNA in-situ observations. We therefore invite applications for a Postdoctoral position (m/f) in the area of Marine Biogeochemistry.The duration of the position is three years. The successful applicant will conduct the scientific analysis and assessment of FerryBox data using statistical methods as well as biogeochemical and ecosystem models with a focus on understanding biogeochemical processes in coastal seas and their coupling to physical ocean dynamics.
Your tasks include:

    analysis of existing interdisciplinary data sets from the COSYNA observing system and comparison with other in-situ data and model output
    evaluation of new biogeochemical sensor systems
    performance and analysis of biogeochemical model runs with possible model development
    investigation of biogeochemical processes focussing on the carbon system, phytoplankton productivity and the role of nutrients
    planning, participation, and evaluation of research cruises
    working as an integral part of a motivated multidisciplinary team within the institute and external academic partners
    scientific publication and presentation

Job requirements:

    a PhD in oceanography, geosciences, or related disciplines within the last five years
    strong academic publication record
    extensive experience in observational oceanography or instrumentation
    ability and willingness to participate in seagoing research
    profound programming skills in at least one scientific program language (e.g. FORTRAN, C, Matlab, Python) and experience in data processing and analysis
    good knowledge of English (written and oral)
    high degree of creativity and flexibility; ability to work under pressure

The following qualifications would be desirable:

    knowledge of coastal and shelf sea biogeochemical processes or biological-physical interaction
    prior experience with numerical, especially biogeochemical, models would be an asset
    international research experience
    good communication skills and ability to work in an interdisciplinary team with scientists, engineers, and technicians

For further questions please contact Prof. Burkard Baschek, e-mail:, or
Dr. Wilhelm Petersen, e-mail:

We offer an appropriate salary related to the German public tariff (TV-AVH) plus the usual social benefits for the public employment sector.
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht is an equal opportunity employer for women, minorities, and people with disabilities, and strives to increase the percentage of women in the science sector. Severely disabled persons with equal qualifications will be considered preferentially.

Please send your application indicating job offer Code No. 2014/KO 2 to Max-Planck-Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany, or preferably to the e-mail address: and include your CV, a list of publications, description of research experience, and a list of references.

Closing date for applications is March 21st, 2014.

Logo Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

Max-Planck-Straße 1 | 21502 Geesthacht |

1437. Postdoctoral Positions in Sustainable Climate Risk Management

The Pennsylvania State University - Pennsylvania (EUA)

Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at the Pennsylvania State University. Successful candidates will become part of an interdisciplinary research network on Sustainable Climate Risk Management (SCRiM) ( Centered at Penn State and linking 18 universities and five research institutions in six nations, SCRiM addresses the question: What are sustainable, scientifically sound, technologically feasible, economically efficient, and ethically defensible climate-risk management strategies? SCRiM catalyzes fundamental, mission-oriented, and transdisciplinary research to characterize climate risks and trade-offs associated with risk management instruments such as mitigation, adaptation, and geoengineering. The network provides unique opportunities for research, education, outreach, decision support, and professional development. SCRiM postdocs enjoy ample opportunities for transdisciplinary research collaboration as well as professional mentoring by a team of experts in relevant disciplines. The two available positions are as follows:

1. Earth System Analysis to Inform Decisionmaking
The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary research team that analyzes two main questions: (i) How can paleoclimatic and instrumental records improve our mechanistic understanding of the climate system and inform climate predictions? (ii) How can this scientific information be used to improve the design of climate-risk management strategies? The ideal candidate would have a strong background in a field such as Earth system science (e.g., atmospheric science, geosciences, oceanography), Bayesian statistics, or applied mathematics. The candidate will have considerable freedom to collaboratively design the research within the scope of the broad questions outlined above. Possible example projects include uncertainty analysis of climate projections, decision analysis of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, and risk analysis of proposed geoengineering strategies.

2. Coupled Ethical-Epistemic Analyses for Sustainable Climate Risk Management
The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary research team that analyzes two central areas of concern: (i) the role of coupled ethical-epistemic issues in climate change science and (ii) how to improve decisionmaking under conditions of risk and uncertainty to ensure ethical adequacy. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in the ethical dimensions of scientific practice and an appreciation of the ethical issues raised by deep uncertainty. An understanding of climate change mitigation, adaptation, geoengineering strategies is desirable. Interests in decisionmaking under uncertainty, integrated assessment, and in collaborations involving Earth scientists, statisticians, decision analysts, economists, and philosophers would be further advantages for applicants to both positions.

The positions are available immediately and will remain open until filled. Initial appointment will be for a period of one year, with excellent possibility of renewal for one or more additional years. The salary will be competitive, commensurate with experience, and will comply with Penn State University guidelines. Successful completion of a background check is required prior to employment.

To apply to either position, please email a single PDF file (maximum 10 MB) containing a letter of interest, a CV, reprints of two manuscripts, and contact information for three references to Jaime Ross ( For questions about the potential projects, please contact Klaus Keller ( (position #1) or Nancy Tuana ( (position #2).